Types of Donations
This section explains the different types of Donations that we accept, that will help our community to accomplish the goals we set in order to perpetuate the Hawaiian Culture and its people. This is a non-profit organization that works with the Indigenous people of Hawaii, Youth, Veterans, Schools, and Visitors to our islands. Because of our Internal Revenue Code (IRC) 501 (c)(3) those who make donations can deduct their contributions under IRC Section 170. We are also qualified to receive tax-deductible bequests, devises, transfers, or gifts, under Sections 2055, 2106, or 2522.
Monetary Donations
These donations are easily accepted through noted cash offerings, checks, money orders, etc. in any amount deemed. Must state the donor, to whom it is going to, and the purpose.
Land Gifts
These donations that fall under this category as a gift, need to have the paperwork proving ownership. These gifts could include Land that would be used to fulfill an adventure such as hiking, camping, and conservation classes in caring for our ʻAina (land). Other uses for the land would be to Farm or Ranch, holding community involvement classes on how to grow native plants such as Taro, Awa, Uʻala, etc.
Boat Gifts
These donations that fall under this category as a gift, need to have the paperwork proving ownership. Boats that are donated will be used in training classes of seamanship with the student's goal to receive a Merchant Mariners Credential. Other boats that are donated could be used as work projects and sold later to compensate for the cost of rebuilding.
Other Gifts: Automobiles, Tour Vans, Trucks or Cars
These donations that fall under this category as a gift, need to have the paperwork proving ownership. Trucks and Vans are the preferred gifts, as Trucks will be used to tow the boats, haul farm produce, or transport cattle and horses. Tour Vans will be used to transport our guests on tour activities etc.
Mahalo Nui Loa .... I Captain Kimo founder of Captain Kimos Hawaiian Adventures would like to take this time to Thank all of my supporters. This program that I have established, has been in the works for years, just working on the direction and the proper way to proceed. It has been a long journey, Huakaʻi, that has spanned many years and countless attempts, but I feel that I have been able to finally find my ancestral area, and the true direction for the sharing and giving back, the Hoʻina, to our community and people. Your Donations, whether it be money or items for a new project, will link you to and make you an important part of this journey, Huakaʻi, for this I Thank You !